wedding church decorations

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These wedding church decorations flower up pretty quickly.  Keep in mind this is just A GUIDE.  You can change flowers and/or color schemes to match your own color palette.

Cut another stem a little shorter than the top and bottom and insert into the lower left on the side of the Oasis foam cage.

Follow up with a similar stem of flowers on the lower right side.  Take note that the stem insertions balance the side - but are not PERFECTLY LINED UP as a mirror image.  You want your design to look casual and like a living plant . . . not perfect - but balanced.

The next shorter stem is inserted, moving inwards, into the florist foam.  Here is where you pay attention to the way the flower faces.  The ones on the outer parimeter face off upwards, to the left, to the right and downwards.  The center flower insertions begin to rotate the heads inward, with the very middle flower facing straight out towards you.

I inserted another focal flower, but at a different depth of insertion.  Staggering the depths of the flowers will give more interest to your wedding flower decorations.  Otherwise they will not draw the eye in.  Putting some flowers closer to the foam also helps conceal the mechanics if you are not using greenery.

I continue adding more lilies, staggering the depth and moving the flower faces to different positions.

Don't forget to place some lilies towards the back, facing outward.  Remember - some guests will be viewing the flower stands from different angles.  It's a good idea to step back from your design occasionally, seeing it from different viewpoints.

The basic shape of the final design is now clearly established, so I begin to insert my linier stems, such as the white gladiolus inserted under the bottom of this floral.

My next flower insertion is a cut from a long stemmed gladiolus, tucked very deep into the center of this church decoration.

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