head table decorations

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Head table decorations for today's brides often includes small vases and details such as candles, decorative lanterns or bird cages.  The shabby chic look is very in right now and would compliment this arrangement very well with the components clustered around this table arrangement.

The Oasis bricks should be filling in nicely by now.  You don't need to crowd the greens in too tightly, as you will need room for the insertion of the flower stems as well.  

As you fill in the top, watch the height of the greens, as you don't want to conceal the faces of the bride and groom from the guests when they are seated at the head table.

Start cutting shorter stems of the silver dollar, which also conceals the foam and other mechanics very well

The varying lengths of the spill over on the table gives a very woodsy look.

Once the greening is finished, you'll see how quickly the flowers can be filled in.  You may want to do the greening when the flowers arrive and keep the flowering for before the wedding day.

Hydrangeas have to be tended.  They are a very water loving flower.  The stems are thick and tough to cut through, but the stem is hollow, meaning it is almost like a straw.  You have to be sure that the water in the foam is replenished, as these flower will drink up considerable water each day.

Insert the largest flowers first.  These are the focal flowers.  They can be hydrangeas, lilies, sunflowers and other large flower heads.

The colors of the two hydrangeas contrast, but you can keep them all the same color if you prefer.

The clustered mass is on the left side and front side.

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