yellow calla lily wedding bouquet

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This yellow calla lily wedding bouquet is made of rich fall colors.  Bright yellow edged with brown, dark red, green and rust berries and the bright lime green of the mini buttons absolutely pop!  Be sure to read the steps of processing your wholesale wedding flowers upon arrival.

To create a similar design, you will need the following products and fresh flowers:

Arrange the flowers as shown and be sure the stems stay in place by using Floralock Stem Adhesive.  If you need more help on designing bouquets, be sure to check out the round bouquet tutorials and calla bouquet tutorials.  These tutorials teach everything from greening bouquets properly to the handling of the calla lily flowers.

Once finished, mist well with Finishing Touch or Crowning Glory, allow to dry and refrigerate if possible.

leave yellow calla lily wedding bouquet and go to all flower tutorials