White Wedding Bouquet


Similar Bouquet Tutorial -  Mock Hand Tie 

Flowers/Greenery List as shown:

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Quick Instructions:

Tape down the white handle of the bouquet holder with green floral tape, concealing the white handle.  Glue rose or Galax leaves to underside of the Belle holder, concealing the white.

Insert roses in cluster slightly off center on the Belle bouquet holder.  Fill in rest of bouquet with tightly massed Baby's Breath.  Reserve the cut stems of the flowers and greenery to conceal the handle later.

Insert cut end of decorative wire into the foam and then loosely encircle the wire around the outer diameter of the bouquet - creating a loose collar of wire.  Insert the other cut end into the foam.  Twist and lightly wind both the bullion wire and the metallic wire around the thicker, decorative aluminum wire.  Weave the thinner wires in and out, creating a light web of wire supported by the heavier wire.  Curl and circle the thinner wire in a decorative manner as shown in the photograph.

Cut paddle wire into short lengths, taping the wire to each Galax leaf.  Tape with stem wrap, creating a longer stem for each leaf.  Do same for clusters of Italian Ruscus leaves.  Insert these wire lengthened leaves around the outer diameter of the bouquet, inserting into the florist foam around the outer diameter of the bouquet, forming a collar of Galax and Ruscus leaves.

Gather the cut off stems and tape them tightly around the Belle holder handle at the top, right under the foam.  Tightly tape over the cut ends with floral tape.  Add a few more lateral stems of Italian ruscus and Leather leaf fern around the bottom (over the cut stems) and tape into place.  This will give the illusion of a hand tied bouquet while having the convenience of a water source for your flowers.

Glue all stems into place with light bursts of the Floralock Stem Adhesive.

Mist well with Finishing Touch and allow to dry before refrigerating.

Need more help?  I have extensive step by step instructions, complete with photos on creating mock hand tied bouquets.  Browsing these tutorials will give a deeper understanding on how to create your own mock hand tie bouquet.

leave white wedding bouquet and go to all flower tutorials

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