I wrapped the bouquet handle first with white satin ribbon before using the sheer. Now it won't take as much sheer ribbon to cover over the green of the stems and tape.
Pin the end into place with a pearl headed corsage pin, and wrap the ribbon around the white satin.
Once at the bottom, twist and move up to the top again, right under the lowest calla lily. Give a sharp twist to the ribbon.
Secure with a pearl headed pin.
Pin down the ribbon with the pearl headed pins, pointing the shanks on all upward and burying the points of each pin deep into the flower stems of the callas.
Your finished wrap should be neat and tidy, pins securing the ribbon in place.
The final look has a shiny sheen because of the sheer ribbon and a beautiful embellishment of pearls due to the pins.
Here is a bouquet any bride would be delighted to carry down the aisle.
If you wish to discover how to use this same design as a reception centerpiece, move on to the next step of the tutorial.