purple calla lily bouquet

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This purple calla lily bouquet tutorial began with separating the flowers by color and taping them into clusters.  I then began using those clusters to tape them together in a growing bouquet.

Once completed, the handle can be secured with waterproof tape,  which is very strong and won't let the stems move. Don't do this until you are happy with the bouquet, since it is a lot harder to undo than green florist tape is.

You should have a nice, rounded bouquet, with the colors evenly distributed and the points all going to the outer diameter of the bouquet. 

I finish the handle with a nice sheer ribbon. This bride bought a special embroidered satin wrap, but I will put this on right before the ceremony.

For the present, I want to store the bouquet in a vase of water to keep it fresh, and I do not want to soil the satin wrap by putting it on too soon. 

Now on to the last finishing touches and how to store until the wedding day!

Handle treatments can be as simple as a ribbon wrap.  Use pearl headed pins to keep the ribbon in place.  Be sure to pin upward, hiding the sharp end in the center of the stems to protect the hands.

This bride added a personalized touch with an embroidered handle wrap.

Always mist your bouquet designs with a flower sealant such as Finishing Touch.

I strongly advise refrigerating callas in vases of water, as they wilt easily without water.

Turn the fridge a little warmer than for food and cover lightly with tissue or plastic wrap.  

Transport vases of water up to the church for the flowers to rest in while waiting for ceremony to begin.  Keep the water only a couple inches deep, as the soft calla stem loses texture in too deep of water.

Experiment with french braiding or double wrapping as shown below.

An additional of jewels or buttons makes for a cute touch on this simplistic bouquet.

I did a double wrap with button finish on the attendant bouquets.

Be sure to check out my other calla lily tutorials, including one on a foam holder and another using larger, Standard lilies in an arm bouquet.

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