pink Round bouquet 

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This pink round bouquet would also be lovely in lavender, yellow, green or blue.  Roses come in a vast array of colors and the design can easily be changed to your prefered colors.

To create a similar look, you'll need the following bouquet supplies, hardgoods and fresh flowers:

Always begin by processing your flowers correctly.  Don't ignore the recommended products.  They are inexpensive and easy to get.  Professional flower products will keep your flowers fresh up to and through your wedding days if used properly.

Wash your hands first, as oil on your fingers can cause browning on some delicate petals.  Mist your fingers with Finishing Touch.  Insert your roses first.  Tuck the astilbe in between the rose heads.  (Note:  astilbe has different growing seasons.  If this color isn't available during your wedding month, you can mist white astilbe with a flower tint to get the dark pink shown below).

Design Master Just For Flowers Tint

Lock the flowers into place with Floralock Stem Adhesive.  Spray in short bursts, as too much can drip and run down the bouquet handle, making it sticky.  

Pin the ribbon into place with the anchor pins, looping it over the heads of the roses as shown.  Finish by misting well with the flower sealant and storing in a refrigerator if possible.  Rewet the foam as necessary by dribbling with water treated with Crystal Clear Flower Food.

If you need a more intense, step by step tutorials, be sure to read through the beginning flower tutorials found in the first Round Bouquet Gallery.

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