mixed bouquet

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This mixed bouquet has different variety of greens, pink wax flower, red roses, purple miniature carnations and now bright green button mums.

In the small area next to the purple carnations, you can fill in with the button chrysanthemums.

Cut the stems short enough that they cluster in tightly to the top of the florist foam.  Add more white hypericum if needed to close up the sides and conceal the foam.

Here's the finished look from the left side of the bouquet.

Here's the finished view from the front of the bouquet.  

Sometimes there is a problem with slippery stems coming out of the wet foam.  You can lock those stems in tight with Floralock Adhesive.  Insert the long, red nozzle to the spray cap after throughly shaking the can.  Carefully insert the long nozzle between the flower heads and squirt in short bursts in between the flower heads (near the insertion point in the foam).

The final step is to mist well with a flower sealant like Finishing Touch.  Home refrigerators and air conditioning is designed to take humidity OUT of the air.  Professional florist coolers deliberately put moisture INTO the air.  You can counteract this problem by misting the flowers each day with a similar product.

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