Fresh Flower Wedding Bouquet

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Peel down your roses by removing the protective outer guard petals that you leave on until you are ready to design. These outer petals are not removed by the farm, as they are left on to protect the inner perfect petals during transportation.

I insert the first rose upward from the bottom and use the natural curve the rose to advantage.

This design is going to contain a lot of flowers.  Only insert your roses deep enough to firmly seat the stem in the foam.  Jamming the flowers in too deeply with start degrading your foam as the stems begin to hit each other in the foam.

Always be conscious of how your flower heads face.  These in the cascade should face downwards, with the heads gradually moving up and outward as you get closer to the center of the bouquet.

Don't forget your back and sides.  Guests are seated on the aisles.  Their view of the side of the bouquet should be of a full flower head as well.

You can see how the roses are complimenting and following the natural curve established by the greenery very well.

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