church Flowers

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Church flowers can create an elegant atmosphere for your wedding ceremony.  This tutorial is for tall candelabra and flower stands.  They can usually be rented from a local wedding supply in your area or provided by the church.

This tutorial shows how to be creative on adding in candles to a stand that doesn't have candle holders.  Don't feel concerned if this tutorial isn't in your color palette or doesn't use the flowers you desire . . . feel free to substitute to make the design fit in with your color scheme.

For this design you'll need the following supplies:

You have to have both the time and the ability to transport large arrangements if you want to design your own church flowers.  Because of their size, I generally green in the foam and basic flowers, adding the longer line flowers once I've arrive at the ceremony site.  I don't like to take chances of a long flower stem snapping off or getting crushed during the delivery.

In truth, the larger arrangements are usually easier and sometimes faster to design than the bouquets or corsage work, which is much more detail oriented.  I suggest you use inexpensive flowers in the church florals and leave the more expensive flowers (such as calla lilies or garden roses) for the bouquets that will have many closeup photos taken.

Most of your guests sit at least 15 feet or more away from the front of the church, meaning they are more focused on the colors and size rather than the variety of the flowers.  Down below is a photo of the stage area of a small country church.  You can see how smaller arrangements, such as a flower vase, can look very large on a table at home, yet get lost in the vast amount of space in the front of a church.

It's wise to plan your flower stands and candelabras as shown below, taking into consideration where your attendants will be standing.  Stand back in the aisle and visualize how your wedding photos will look.  The flowers should frame your wedding party, not be crowded so close to get in the way, or spaced so far apart that they don't even show in your wedding pictures.

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