Hydrangea wedding chair decorations

Wedding chair decorations have a way of adding so much charm and beauty to your wedding ceremony.  If you plan on renting your chairs, be sure to ask what the chair looks like in order to plan your aisle flowers.

To create a similar design for this flower clutch, you'll need the following flowers and products:

You can create a similar chair decoration starting with a Slant Handle Grande Belle Bouquet Holder.  It's important to soak all florist foam with water that has been treated with professional flower food.  Float soak the holder, allowing it to absorb water slowly and completely so there is no dry pockets left in the foam head.

Insert the first stem of stock straight up, parallel with the straight lines of the bouquet handle.

Angle two more pieces of stock on either side of the first stock stem.

Cut the stems at an angle and push the flower heads close to the foam surface.

Begin inserting salal stems around the perimeter of the bouquet holder.

Frame some greenery around the perimeter.

You can use a mix of greens or add some trailers, such as ivy or sprengeri.

Keep the center foam free for the hydrangea head.

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Cut the hydrangea stem short and on a diangle.  Insert it deep into the direct center of the bouquet holder.

Add in some more stems of blue eucalyptus for a softer contrasting green that compliments the soft color hues used.

Fill in remaining openings with shortened pieces of stock and more greenery.

Once the arrangement is completely flowered and greened, shake Floralock thoroughly and use in short bursts, with the red nozzle tucked in between the flower heads and pointed at the insertion points in the foam.  Use sparingly and allow to dry.  If you overdo spraying, you can cause sticky residue to drip down onto the bouquet handle. 

Prepare the chair by draping 1" double faced satin over the top of the back of the chair, and tied under the first lateral brace.  Allow the ends of the contrasting ribbons to trail down behind the chair.

Place the slanted handle directly against the outer chair frame.  Using more ribbon length, start from the back, pulling the ends forward around the bouquet hand, twist and them put the ends back around the chair frame.  Continue this, creating a french braid twist down the front of the bouquet holder that is visible on the aisle side.

When down to the bottom of the handle, tie off and knot to secure the ribbon lengths.  Cut ends with sharp sheers for a clean, diagonal cut without fraying.

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