Mixed Flower Vase

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I always finish my flower designs with a few basic floral products.  The liquid flower food is Crystal Clear - a liquid form of the powdered flower food.  The Leafshine is a plant polish, giving a glossy green look to the leaves.

This product isn't a "have to" for flower life, but I do like to use it if the greens have a dull or powdered residue (often left behind after hard water dries).

Spray just the greens - the flower sealant can be used on both the fresh flower and the greenery.

I do consider Finishing Touch a "have to" product for all my designs.  It simply makes flowers last longer (along with correct use of flower food and changing of the water).  Simple steps can extend the life of your flowers by days.

A good misting seals the petals against moisture loss - which is accelerated by both heating AND air conditioning.  Both dry the air, sucking out valuable moisture in flower petals.  This product helps slow that process and buys a longer life span for your beautiful designs.

A final view from the top . . .

and from the side - shows a lovely arrangement made from a simple "grocery store" mixed flower bunch!

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