green cascading bouquet

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This green cascading bouquet is a wealth of interesting textures and shapes.  This is important with any monochromatic (all the same color) bridal bouquet.  I now begin inserting my Jade green roses, the focal flowers of this bridal bouquet design. These gorgeous light green roses are stunning and open up fully like a garden rose.

I've put the roses off center, since I plan on putting a mass flower grouping on the left side of the bouquet.

Here's a view from the side. I wanted you to see the depth and staggering of both the green roses and the foliage greens. Note how the top rose tilts slightly upward, the center rose downward and the bottom rose tilts towards to bottom of the bouquet.

I add two more green roses, one at the top of the cluster with the face of the rose straight up, and the bottom rose centered down under the middle rose.

I finish this portion of the design with a clustered grouping of bright green buttom mums around the loops of bear grass. Give the bottom ones some length and pull the eye downward into the long strands of cascading grasses.

Miniature calla lilies are added to the top right of this bouquet design, giving additional height and interest to this elegant bouquet.

Miniature callas are better for designs that use a bouquet holder because the stems are slender and can be inserted easily into the foam. Standard callas are very broad-stemmed and can take up a great deal of room in the bouquet holder.

Cut the stems of the callas with a sharp knife at a slight angle, giving a crisp, clean point to insert into the Oasis.

You can see how a bridal bouquet design doesn't always have to have a ton of flowers to make a great visual impact. Creative greens lend a wonderful interest to any design.

Waxflower is one of my favorite filler flowers. Tiny star-like flowers come in shades of pink, white and golden yellow. Although this filler is available year round, there are "off seasons" when the harvest is much more grassy and with very few flower heads. Check with your wholesaler if your wedding date falls in a good harvest time for this delightful flower.

I like using this dainty flower as a mass filler - which means I cluster several stems of it in an area of the bouquet for a bigger impact. This flower can also be used the same way you would babies breath, filling it in among all the flowers of your bouquet for a different accent.

This lovely bouquet is ready to be treated with Floralocka stem adhesive that locks the flowers into place and prevents any of them from sliding out of the foam as the bouquet is handled.

Don't forget a good misting of Finishing Touch, which seals the flower petals, keeping them hydrated and fresh all through your wedding day.

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