DIY Christmas Sleigh Centerpiece

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The thoroughly soaked foam will feel heavy.  Cut it into a block roughly the size you need for your container.

The foam cuts easily with a knife and can be fitted in moments with a few quick cuts.

I actually take care to not fit the foam too snugly.  I like to leave an opening that makes it easy to add water to the arrangement later, replenishing that which is soaked up daily by the thirsty flowers.

Once the foam is fitted into the sleigh, you can trim it to a more fitted shape.

Take care not to slice the foam right down to the container edge, however, because you'll want to leave the foam above the lip of the container so that flowers and greenery can be inserted in from the sides of the container.

Allowing an inch or two of foam above the container's edge is just about right for the thick stemmed Christmas greenery that you'll be using for this type of design.

Before I add my greenery, however, I add more water into the container, as some is squeezed out while fitting the foam into the tight sleigh.

I used a broad knife to carve a smooth slope and curve that has the foam following the shape of the container.

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