cheap flower girl basket

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This cheap flower girl basket is very easy to make.  I'm going to show you two ways to quickly fill in this small wicker fireside basket.  You will need the following:

First attach the Pedestal Foam cage to your wicker basket either by wiring in place or using the floral clay.  If you wire it, make a hairpin bend in the wired and push up from underneath and attach by the sides of the cage.

If you use the clay, be sure to push down firmly so that the cage is firmly attached.  Little girls have a tendency to twirl their flowers about so you want to be sure it stays attached to the basket! 

The first option is to add greenery to conceal the foam cage.  I used flat fern below, but believe a stem of leather leaf is a better option and you won't have to trim the leaves. 

 Cut off the laterals from the main stem and the strip off the lower leaves until you have a stem to insert into the foam.

Insert the greenery into all sides as shown.  If you want a larger design, simply extend the greens a little farther out.

Fill in the center with the stems of greenery pointing upward and outward.  Try to imagine how a fern grows.  You want to duplicate the same angles as a living plant.

Now you can begin filling in with flowers.  This is a lateral off of a spray aster.

The center flowers should face upwards as shown.  Around the bottom circumference you'll want to have the flower stems coming straight out from the sides.

The second method is without greenery.  Now you have to have more flowers, because you still need to conceal the Lomey Pedestal cage.  For this, I'm going to start with miniature carnations.

Place your first flower in the center of the foam, facing straight upwards.

I'm placing these flower heads much closer together and closer to the foam.  The aim is to create a tight cluster of flowers that will conceal the green foam.

Fill in from all sides, pushing the miniature carnations straight into the foam until the bulb of the flower rests against it.

Now I'm inserting the spray asters into the design, but making the lengths of each stem longer.  This creates more depth perception in the flower design.

Keep filling in with the asters, varying the length of the stems.  Angle the flower heads in all directions.

When you're finished, your selection of a compact design of carnations and asters create a cheap flower girl basket

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