Fresh Flower Wedding Bouquet

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I continue the same techniques, giving the greens a gentle bend to encourage the crescent shape.  Don't get too aggressive or you may snap the green in two and have to start again.

The long lines of the bouquet design are clearly defined now and contrast beautifully with so many different varieties of greenery.

I tuck some shortened pieces of the Israeli Ruscus and fill in the lower part of the bouquet.

My bouquet is now ready to be flowered.  I'm going to use white standard roses, but this design would look lovely with a mixture of flower varieties and colors.

As you can see, the greens themselves show the distinctive crescent shape and the flowers will help emphasize this as well.  If you wish to seal the greenery with a leaf polish, now is the time to spray the greens before adding the fresh flowers.

Leafshine is what professional florists use to keep their greens shiny and glossy, without the spotchy white residue sometimes left by hard water baths.  I sell it in a smaller can suitable for a one time wedding use.

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