Wedding Flower Bouquets

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Tree fern can add a light wispy look to your bouquets and centerpieces.  It is a good filler to conceal your mechanics (such as cages or florist foam).

Just a few stems fill in and conceal the mechanics (the florist foam) of this bouquet.  If you want less to show, fill the bouquet holder in first before adding the flowers and trim short.  That way you'll cover the foam yet allow only blooms to show.

You can see between the blooms right now.  It only takes a few sprigs of greens to fill in a little and conceal that.

The wispy look of tree fern is very delicate.  I prefer it to a filler like baby's breath.

I tuck in a few stems here and there where I see openings.

It fills in very quickly.

Be sure to maintain your cascade shape or it can quickly turn into a round ball.

If you wish, trim away the excess.

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