Fresh Flower Wedding Bouquet

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I think I need another rose directly under the center, pushing it up into the bottom of the bouquet holder.

I haven't lost my bouquet shape and it gives a nice eye appeal from the front.

That one last open spot in the center has been bugging me, so I'm sure to put my final rose in that spot.

Twenty four roses is a lot for even a Grande bouquet holder.  Too many more and the foam will have a hard time maintaining the crescent shape.  

Remember to rewet the foam frequently if needed every day.  You'll be amazed how much water is sucked up in a very short time by live roses and greenery.  Do NOT allow your foam to go dry.  This is very important.  

Here you can see the basic crescent shape has been maintained and the bouquet is complete.  Now I'm going to take a critical look from all sides and see if I have any gaping holes.

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