Wedding Flower Bouquets

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Wedding flower bouquets containing Oriental Lilies have a lot of fragrance!  A single lily stem many times sports one to three opened blooms and a few buds.  If in water long enough, all the buds will gradually open.

Orientals are VERY water loving.  You must never let the foam go dry.  If you plan on designing a day or two in advance, be sure to replenish the water in the foam as the flower heads drink up a lot each day.

First secure your saturated bouquet holder in a sturdy container that will support the finished design.  Flowers can get heavy and you don't want the bouquet holder to fall forward and damage your flower heads.

I insert the first flower facing upwards and slanted down towards the middle of the square European bouquet holder.

Keep the stems shorter and bury the flower head up to the beginning of the petals.

The next flower head I put squarely in the center and facing straight out towards the front.

I want to create a short cascade, so I leave the stem a little longer for the next insertion.

Angle the flower head facing downward.

I tucked a second flower head facing to the right and down.  I choose a more closed and closed bloom for the cascade.

A side view show the placement in the foam.  I would normally insert the greenery first to cover up the mechanics, but I wanted you to clearly see the placement of each flower head.

The cascade shape begins to form, even with only four lily heads so far.  These heads are large, so just a few stems easily fill out the bouquet.

I now place a partially opened bloom facing upwards and slightly towards the right in the design.

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